Dementia Care


Dementia is a general term for a decline in mental abilities severe enough to interfere with daily life. It's not a normal part of aging, and it affects memory, thinking, reasoning, and behavior. The most common cause of dementia is Alzheimer's disease, however other diseases such as vascular or Lewy body dementia can also play a role in the development of this condition. At Care Givers Pune, we understand these challenges and are dedicated to providing the highest quality dementia care for elderly in their own homes ensuring their safety, well-being, and continued quality of life.

What are the signs and symptoms of dementia in elderly?

Early Signs of dementia in elderly

  • Memory loss: Forgetfulness, repeating questions, misplacing items
  • Difficulty thinking and reasoning: Struggling with familiar tasks, making decisions, or following instructions.
  • Changes in personality and behavior: Confusion, irritability, anxiety, depression
  • Language problems: Difficulty finding words, trouble forming sentences
  • Loss of interest in activities: Withdrawal from social life, hobbies, and activities

Later Stages of dementia patients

  • Difficulty performing basic tasks: Eating, dressing, bathing
  • Increased confusion and disorientation
  • Behavioral changes like wandering and aggression
  • Loss of language skills
  • Difficulty recognizing loved ones

Care Givers Pune: Supporting Dementia Patients Care at Home

Our dementia care for elders at-home services include:

  • Dementia Patient Personal care: Bathing, dressing, grooming, toileting
  • Dementia nursing care at home:  medication management, medical needs, Reminders, administration, monitoring
  • Assistance with daily activities: Meal preparation, housekeeping, transportation
  • 24/7 supervision and assistance: Ensuring safety and well-being.
  • Cognitive stimulation: Activities to maintain mental skills
  • Emotional support: We provide emotional support to both patients and their families.
  • Respite care: We offer short-term breaks for family caregivers, allowing them to recharge and attend to their own needs.

Why Choose Care Givers Pune for Dementia Care Service?

  • Experienced and qualified caregivers: Our caregivers undergo rigorous training and possess expertise in dementia care.
  • Compassionate and dedicated team: We treat our dementia patients with dignity, respect, and understanding.
  • Personalized care plans: We tailor our services to each individual’s unique needs and preferences.
  • 24/7 availability: We’re available to provide care and support whenever needed.
  • Affordable and flexible services: We offer a range of services at competitive prices and flexible scheduling options.

Care Givers Pune provides home care for elderly with dementia. We offer personalized care plans, cognitive stimulation, and family support to enhance quality of life. Remember, there is no cure for dementia, but with the right care and support, people with dementia can live long and fulfilling lives.

Opening Hours

Monday – Sunday OPEN 24 HRS

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Why is help needed for elderly dementia patients?

Help is needed for elderly dementia patients because as the disease progresses, they lose their ability to perform daily tasks, manage their medications, and navigate their environment safely. They require assistance with personal care, emotional support, and specialized activities to maintain their well-being.

How does care givers pune work for dementia patients?

Care Givers Pune works by providing experienced and qualified caregivers who offer:

  • Personalized care based on individual needs and preferences.
  • Assistance with daily activities like bathing, dressing, and medication management.
  • Companionship and socialization to combat loneliness and isolation.
  • Cognitive stimulation to maintain cognitive function.
  • Emotional support for both patients and families.
  • Respite care to give family caregivers a break.

What is the best way to deal with elderly dementia patients?

There’s no single “best way” to deal with dementia patients, as each individual will have unique needs.

  1. Patience and understanding: Dementia affects memory, thinking, and communication, so it’s important to be patient and understanding. Speak slowly and clearly, give them time to process information, and avoid correcting or arguing with them.
  2. Create a safe and familiar environment: Reduce clutter and hazards from the home, and establish a regular daily routine. This can help reduce confusion and anxiety.
  3. Encourage activities and social interaction: Engaging in activities they enjoy, such as gardening, crafts, or music, can stimulate the mind and improve mood. Social interaction with family and friends is also important for mental well-being.
  4. Provide support and assistance: Be there to help them with daily tasks like bathing, dressing, and eating. As dementia progresses, they may need more and more assistance.
  5. Seek professional help: If you’re struggling to cope or need additional support, don’t hesitate to seek professional help from a doctor, therapist, or social worker.

How should you communicate with a person with dementia?

When communicating with someone with dementia:

  • Speak clearly and slowly: Use short, simple sentences and avoid complicated vocabulary.
  • Make eye contact and smile: This shows you’re engaged and attentive.
  • Listen patiently: Give the person time to respond without interrupting.
  • Avoid arguing or correcting: It’s more important to be supportive and understanding.
  • Stay positive and encouraging: Celebrate their successes and focus on what they can still do.
  • Respect their feelings and validate their experiences: Don’t dismiss their concerns or tell them they’re wrong.